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Teaching & Learning Philosphy

I respect and recognize the uniqueness and differences of all learners. We come together from differing cultures, languages, beliefs, and identities but we work together as one classroom community in shared respect and harmony in an effort to promote individual and collective learning and growth. I believe by understanding my students’ life experiences, background, and individual identities it will enable me to learn about their world view in a way that promotes a positive and enriching classroom environment built on familiarity and love. By promoting a classroom learning community the students are able to feel valued, safe, and welcome.


After living and home schooling my children in Middle East for 5 years I decided to pursue my Teaching certificate because I wanted to continue teaching once my children left to enter traditional schools. I believe we can help dejected unmotivated learners become excited again when using Universal design for learning teaching strategies.



Students are given ways to learn that are optimized for their strengths and weaknesses UDL’s three main principles are multiple mean of representation, expression and engagement. This allows students to learn in a variety of ways albeit visual or auditory learning. They can than express themselves in their preferred method. And they are they more motivated to engage in learning when the representation and expression has been tailored to their needs.


Teaching with UDL strategies requires that educator understand that all students learn differently and there is no right way to learn. The goals of the lesson is the same, but not everyone’s path might be the same. UDL accommodates the delivery method and the demonstration of learning

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